開設大学 | 名古屋学院大学 |
科目コード | 243520 |
担当教員 | 長谷川和美 |
学年配当 | 2年 |
単位数 | 2単位 |
曜日 | 木曜 |
開講期間 | 前期 |
実施形式 | 対面 |
開講時間割1 | 2限 10:45 ~ 12:15 |
教室 | 名古屋キャンパス(教室未定) |
履修条件 | 2年生以上 |
募集定員 | 若干名 |
募集時期 | 4月 |
開講期間 | 4/8~7/19 |
講義概要 | Using case studies of four significant moments in American social and cultural history from the seventeenth century to the late twentieth century, this course introduces students to the multiple themes and methods significant to the field of American Studies. We will examine a broad range of primary and secondary materials from various scholarly disciplines, including history, literature, popular culture, ethnic studies, and gender studies. Through close readings of texts, we will examine how individuals, groups, and institutions interacted in each particular historical times and locations. This class emphasizes race, gender/sexuality, and class as primary categories of analysis. This class will be conducted in English. 1. Introduction to the Course 2. What is American Studies? Considering “America” 3. The Salem Witchcraft Trials: Introduction 4. The Salem Witchcraft Trials: Chapters 3-4 5. The Salem Witchcraft Trials: Chapter 8 & Epilogue 6. Film Screening: The Crucible 7. Race on Display: Spectacular Culture in the Nineteenth Century 1 8. Race on Display: Spectacular Culture in the Nineteenth Century 2 9. Race on Display: Spectacular Culture in the Nineteenth Century 3 10. American Indians and the Western Frontier: Imagining the West 11. American Indians and the Western Frontier: Chapter 7 12. Film Screening (excerpt) John Ford’s Stagecoach (1939) 13. The World War II Internment of Japanese Americans 14. Film Screening Rabbit in the Moon (dir. Emiko Omori, 1999) 15. Julie Otsuka, When the Emperor Was Divine (for discussion) 16. 定期試験期間 |
テキスト・参考文献 | 【教科書】 ・『When the Emperor was Divine』 Otsuka, Julie Anchor Books 2002 Please purchase the required book, When the Emperor was Divine. I will provide copies of the selected chapters from other books. 【参考書】 ・Copies of the Japanese translation books (『呪われたセイレムー魔女呪術の社会的起源』、『あのころ、天皇は神だった』)are reserved in the library. Use them if you need to. |
試験・評価方法 | One Personal Essay (30%) Two Formal Essays (30%) Weekly Reading Quizzes (20%) Class Attendance and Participation (20%) |
別途必要な経費 | 特になし |
その他特記事項 | 【学習到達目標】 1. to understand the broad American history; 2. to analyze the American experience through the perspectives of race, gender/sexuality, and class; 3. to explore the primary and secondary materials; 4. to examine the contemporary American society from the particular historical understandings. 【履修上の注意】 This course requires students’ active participation. Therefore, weekly participation is required. Please complete all the assigned readings for the date indicated on the syllabus. You are responsible both for attending each class session and for participating in the lively and informed discussions. We will have a live class through Teams. 【事前事後学習】 Please continue developing your academic skills of reading, analyzing, discussing, and writing in English. There is no easy and quick way to master those skills. |
科目名(英語) | American Studies 1 |
使用言語 | 英語 |