


開設大学 中部大学
科目コード 242829
担当教員 D.R.ローレンス
学年配当 3年, 4年
単位数 2単位
曜日 金曜
開講期間 秋学期
実施形式 対面
開講時間割1 5限,6限 13:35 ~ 15:05
教室 未定
募集時期 9月
開講期間 9/23~1/20
講義概要 本講義のの主旨(概要)は、This is an intensive lecture course, conducted entirely in English exactly as a similar course would be conducted at an English-speaking university. The course will center around lectures, and students will be expected to read in preparation for class, participate in discussions, write short papers and take tests in English. Note that taking the "A" class in Spring semester is not a requirement for this course.
具体的達成目標は、This is an intensive lecture course, conducted entirely in English exactly as a similar course would be conducted at an English-speaking university. The course will center around lectures, and students will be expected to read in preparation for class, participate in discussions, write short papers and take tests in English. Note that taking the "A" class in Spring semester is not a requirement for this course.
1. Spring Semester ReviewReview of spring semester
2. Chapter 5: Social Contexts of Second Language Acquisition. Communicative competence.Chapter 5 readings
3. Chapter 5: Social Contexts of Second Language Acquisition. Microsocial factors.Chapter 5 readings
4. Chapter 5: Social Contexts of Second Language Acquisition. Microsocial factors continued.Chapter 5 readings
5. Chapter 5: Social Contexts of Second Language Acquisition. Macrosocial factors.Chapter 5 readings
6. Chapter 5 ReviewChapter 5 test preparation
7. Chapter 6: Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use. Competence and use, Academic vs. interpersonal competence.Chapter 6 readings
8. Chapter 6: Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use. Components of language knowledge.Chapter 6 readings
9. Chapter 6: Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use. Components of language knowledge continued.Chapter 6 readings
10. Chapter 6: Acquiring Knowledge for L2 Use. Receptive and productive activities.Chapter 6 readings
11. Chapter 6 ReviewChapter 6 test review
12. Chapter 7: L2 Learning and Teaching. Integrating perspectives.Chapter 7 readings
13. Chapter 7: L2 Learning and Teaching. Approaching near-native competence.Chapter 7 readings
14. Chapter 7: L2 Learning and Teaching. Implications for L2 learning and teaching.Chapter 7 readings
15. Chapter 7 ReviewChapter 7 test review

試験・評価方法 【成績の評価方法】
Students' grades will be based on the following rubric: In-class participation and preparation: 30%, Tests and quizzes: 35%, Written assignments: 35%. In addition, students will lose 10% from their final grade for each unexcused absence.
Students' grades will be based on the following rubric: In-class participation and preparation: 30%, Tests and quizzes: 35%, Written assignments: 35%. In addition, students will lose 10% from their final grade for each unexcused absence.
科目名(英語) Language Acquisition Theory B
使用言語 英語
