開設大学 | 名古屋学院大学 |
科目コード | 243516 |
担当教員 | A.ロジャー |
学年配当 | 2年 |
単位数 | 2単位 |
曜日 | 金曜 |
開講期間 | 前期 |
実施形式 | 対面 |
開講時間割1 | 1限 09:00 ~ 10:30 |
教室 | 名古屋キャンパス(教室未定) |
履修条件 | 2年生以上 |
募集定員 | 若干名 |
募集時期 | 4月 |
開講期間 | 4/8~7/19 |
講義概要 | The aim of this course is to explore Japanese contemporary society while exposing students to debating in groups. The course allows students to share their thoughts while also considering other viewpoints. The aim of the course is to develop more knowledgeable individuals better able to critically evaluate current issues in Japanese society.Students will achieve this by developing argumentation and persuasion skills, analytical thinking and research skills. The opportunity to debate will strengthen their spoken fluency and active listening skills. This course meets these DP criteria: Diversity; see the world from a broader perspective (2) and express one's own opinion logically in an academic forum (3). This course meets these CP criteria: Evaluation of learning (1), students are assessed continuously on critical thinking, research methods. The course is taught in English. 1. Syllabus, Introduction to Debate: Opinions & Reasons 2. School Uniforms discussion 3. School Uniforms group speeches, writing 4. Workaholics discussion 5. Workaholics group speeches, writing 6. Train Etiquette discussion 7. Train Etiquette group speeches, writing 8. Aging Society discussion 9. Aging Society group speeches, writing 10. Robots discussion 11. Robots group speeches, writing 12. Adulthood discussion 13. Adulthood group speeches, writing 14. Preparing for Paired Debate Observations 15. Paired Debate Observations 16. 定期試験期間 |
テキスト・参考文献 | 【教科書】No textbook. The teacher will supply handouts. |
試験・評価方法 | Participation 40% Group presentation reports 20% Paired speaking discussion 20% Presentations 20% |
別途必要な経費 | 特になし |
その他特記事項 | 【学習到達目標】 By the end of the course, students will have had the opportunity to: - 1-Research and express a wide range of ideas and opinions on current trends in Japanese society 2-Read/listen to local and national news and define resolutions 3-Develop opinions, reasons and support their arguments 【履修上の注意】 This class is very interactive, you will be working with partners and groups and also giving presentations. We will practice a lot in the classes but you must prepare at home before the lessons. 【事前事後学習】 You will be expected to prepare for many classes. The teacher will instruct you on what to do at the end of each class. |
科目名(英語) | Studies in Japanese Culture |
使用言語 | 英語 |